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Female. Lives in Houston, United States.
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Lucille Brower
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He got out with one of my kids and was running with the kids. The neighbor said he "Charged at him and barked and growled". Lawyer said we are at fault because he got out plain and simple. We just happen to live in a county that has the toughest laws against Pit Bulls. Plus I don't even know if what... View More
Like April 17, 2014
You know how a lot of people are. They see a Pit and the automatically think they are dangerous and mean.
Like April 17, 2014
Dixie Chick
That's just awful! I'm so sorry you're going through this. If Harley did do that, it was probably because he was with "his" kid and felt protective. <br />Do you know any rescue that could take him? If your lawyer is unable to help you, this may be your only recourse. <img src="http://pitbullsocial... View More
Like April 17, 2014
One of the things they might do is make me put him in a kennel that is marked with orange dangerous dog signs. He must be in at all times when he is outside or on a leash. He would have to wear an orange dangerous dog collar at all times. Plus they want me to neuter him and he would be registered as... View More
Like April 19, 2014
Ok my fellow Pit lovers I have a serious problem. One of my neighbors reported my baby Harley as a dangerous dog, which he is not. Now I have five days to surrender my baby to the county, so they can ... View More
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You can check out Harley on You Tube at My Dog Has Class. Harley Has Class
Like January 20, 2014
Quinn and Harley had their litter on December 15, 2013. We have 5 little girls and 3 boys. Anybody who is looking for their new family member let me know. Will be posting pictures
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