by on February 19, 2009

Katy, my black and white Pitbull Terrier is unregistered but I love her just the same. I saved her from a neglective home and she survived Parvo, being run over and a snake bite all in her first 6 months of life. Last November, I let her and another of my females out of the house to use the restroom, and walked back inside to get a drink. When I came back outside they were gone. They had ran into the river bottom behind my house, and eventually wound up catching a hog there. Unfortunatley, on there way back home, someone shot Katy through her front left leg with Buckshot. I have not been able to save enough money for an operation that will cost well over $1000 dollars, because I was laid off from my job and could not find another that paid as much. She has not been able to use the leg since because the bone is severley broken but I love her too much to put her down. She is full of life now, but it breaks my heart to see her hopping on her three legs. Please, if anyone would take her in, I would be eternally grateful. I just don't make enough money to have an injured dog, and the humane society will onlt place one pitbull terrier at a time, and only if they are healthy. If anyone would like to come see her or take her, please let me know. I will upload pictures of her soon.

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<p>I am so sorry to hear this.  I hope something works out for you soon.  My dog needs surgery too...beacuse of an auto-immune disease that she has.  It's not fun watching our "babies" suffer & there's nothing we can really do.<br mce_bogus="1"></p>
Like February 19, 2009
<P><STRONG><font color=#33cccc size=2>That is soo sad, I hope that you can find her a great home or some how get enough donations to help her out. She's been through a lot and I know how you feel (our female made it through being poisoned, two eye lid surgeries, and pyometra) but now she's doing pre... View More
Like February 20, 2009
<P>Yea I've just grown so attached to her since I got her. When she was young she was so shy that she would not come out from under my house if there was a person outside. Now she is very sweet and loves my son like one of her own puppies. </P>
Like February 21, 2009
<P>If I could get her from there to here, Id be glad to give her a home. My girl got shot too, but in her abdomen. Almost ten thousand dollars later shes put back together, but if it werent for a vet with a heart and payment plans, forget it!</P>
Like February 24, 2009