Sarah BluePlagueBullies Jones
by on February 8, 2011
Oh so i am having some ?s regarding my rubee. sometimes she gets into these fits where here eyes are dialated huge and she becomes very "arroused" and gets a little aggressive like and i have to pin her down to get her to settle and its almost like she is having exorcism and she begins to shake and her eyes return to normal and shes ok again and this happens about every 2 days or so if anyone has info or advice please let me know!!!! I'm sure it has to do with being taken from her mom too early and bad breeding but if you have any helpful info it would be greatly appreciated!!!!! thank you!!! Sarah
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<span style="font-weight: bold;">Sarah it sounds like you are headed the right direction. It's hard when you are working all the time. When you have time, rethink and try the clicker. I was never too found of them until last year when I retried it with Ace. Ace was the most non retrieving inclined d... View More
Like February 22, 2011
Sarah BluePlagueBullies Jones
<DIV>Thank you for the great advice and your Ace is sooo adorable i love his energy, he reminds me of my rubee!!!! I also watched some of your other videos and really enjoyed them!!! I just really love watching dogs learn and how they respond to training i could watch that stuff all day if i could l... View More
Like February 24, 2011
Your welcome Sarah. Contact me any time if you have questions.<br>Leah
Like February 24, 2011
Blue Plague Bullies
Tippy is the same way...and you know how that turns out. ...not cool! lol
Like April 10, 2012