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Female. Lives in Lebanon, Oregon, United States. Born on April 24, 1990.
Stop BSL
A place where any one interested in helping to put an end to BSL and other nonsence laws discriminating against and pre-judging bully breeds. A place where we can share and talk about different ideas. A place to post links to petitions against BSL and other related petitions or polls. Please join this group, it could make a difference.
∞Tru Blu APBT Luv 4 Life ∞
Whelping APBTs
Any information you may want to share about whelping pups. Any problems that may occur during the whelping process. Anything from the first day of pregnancy, to 12 wks after whelping the pups. Explain what you did and what process you go through when your bitch is whelping her pups. Any formulas that you may feed the bitch/pups for extra health. ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! Please NO puppy for sale postings, that's for the classifieds section!
∞Tru Blu APBT Luv 4 Life ∞
A Fine Frenzy
APBT Bloodlines
Anything about American Pit Bull Terrier bloodlines! Your pooches bloodlines, info. on bloodlines, ancestrial lines, old school lines, new school lines, the best, the not so good, questions about lines... anything you want to write about bloodlines! No bashing bloodlines, but if certain bloodlines don't have such great traits or genetic deffects you're welcome to add those to let breeders know.
A Fine Frenzy