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Amber Starr
February 5, 2010
130 views 61 plays
This pic of a puppy tummy is a pic of a puppy that is...
What type of worm commonly gives this appearance?
At what age should you start deworming your puppy?
How often should pups be dewormed?
People can contract worms from there pets?
Puppy's can die from worm infestation?
Signs of a worm infestation
Recommended deworming schedule for newborn puppies
Tapeworms are spread by
Most common worm to kill a puppy at usually at three weeks old
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Amber Starr
if the newborn pup was born with worms as many are or got them shortly after birth, waiting til six weeks is way too long. Hookworms will begin killing the weaker pups by three weeks old. And even if it doesnt kill the pup, think about all the eggs that pup is shedding into the environment. The AAVP... View More
Like December 6, 2011
Really you should start deworming the mother before the puppies are born the puppies will get the medicine within her. And you should also give the mother deworming medicine a few days after birth and then start deworming each pup every month
Like May 6, 2012
Eugen Vieru
80pts. from 100 is not bad, anyway every dog owner should be in knowledge of this for his dog`s health and his own.
Like July 1, 2012
You would never deworm a " newborn " puppy. 2 weeks old is not a newborn, its 2 weeks old.
Like June 22, 2014