Pruett Pits
by on March 24, 2012
One of my female puppies was recently taken to the Tacoma humane Coalition to be spayed. The receptionist called the owner of my pup a liar for putting "PitBull" under its breed name. The receptionist continued to be rude to her through the paperwork and post op process, stating "Thats a bull mastiff and I can't believe you put Pit bull to get the discount". Needless to say this lady really upset the owner and when she said she even has the papers to prove the pup is full pit bull, the receptionist said the APBR is not a reputable registry. I am soo pissed at this ignorant woman for calling our pup a mastiff and the new owner a liar!
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Robert capehart
People that know nothing about dogs or animals in general should not work with them!
Like March 30, 2012
we have to stand up for them (pitbulls). myself, i don't want my pitbull around people like that.
Like October 25, 2012